Oyster - Bagaduce River / Beau Soleil/ Bluepoints / Conway/ Duxbury Bay/ Flying Point/ Glidden Point TM/ Johns River/ Malpeque/ Marionport/ Moonstone/ North Haven/ On Sets/ Pemaquid/ Rome Point/ St. Simon/ Tatamagouche/ Taunton Bay/ Wellfleet – Wild Winterpoints/ Shucked Oysters Oysters - Nutritionally oysters raw or cooked are a well-balanced source of protein.They contain Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C and D, as well as iron, copper, iodine, magnesium, calcium and zinc.Vitamin A is an antioxidant believed to help prevent cancer. They are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and their shells are used in Chinese medicine to relieve hypertension and a list of other ailments. We select our oysters from a wide ranging geographical area.Oysters develop their flavor and salinity based on the environment in which they grow.Our selection is extensive and unique.Due to modern technology and resource management ours are available year round.