Market Names : Lobster

Buying Guide: American Lobster / Asian Lobster / Canadian Lobster Scientific name: Homarus americanus , Panulirus homorus / Panulirus versicolor / Panulirus ornatus Live American Lobster (Homarus americanus) Over half the world’s supply of American lobster, Homarus americanus, comes from the clear, cold waters of Canada & USA. Prized for its hard-shelled and full meat qualities, American lobster is in demand by food service professionals seeking flavor, consistency and value. Such a valued natural resource must be protected. American Lobster industry sources product from a strictly limited number of independent fishers who tend their own traps and adhere to sustainable harvesting practices. There are also offshore fishermen participating in trapped lobster fishing. Each lobster is individually handled, inspected and measured, with the undersized and females with eggs released to protect the future of the fishery. After harvesting, lobsters are carefully maintained in tidal pounds and inland sea water holding tanks that mimic the natural environment. Careful monitoring ensures water purity and optimal temperature as the lobsters are conditioned for travel. This minimizes stress, resulting in a quality product at its prime. Innovative packaging means less environmental impact. In addition to delivering a quality product, those in the American lobster industry strive for higher levels of client satisfaction through personal relationship, reliability, service and hospitality.